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My brother dies in a car crash.
  Underestimated, Feb 12 2013

edit: Mariuslol has a point. I shouldnt have gone out like that. this isnt a place to share such things. i guess i can blame this on my fcked up mind. just didnt know what to do next. anyway, that was inappropriate by me and i'm sorry.

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$100 on PS. Advice needed.
  Underestimated, Nov 15 2012

Dear LP Community,

this is my first entry and, simultaneously, a request to all of you. But first things first.

I've been here fot quite a while, though I decided to go 'public' a couple of weeks back, when I created my account, I don't clearly remember why.. I mean at times I really had an urgent need to post something, to comment on some hands [or to share something in the ROFL thread, which I love BTW], but never really got the courage [I'm quite a shy kind of person, an introvert you'd say], but since I decided to change something both in my attitude to life and to poker - here I am. LOL.

So this being said, I just wanted to say that I visit LP on a daily basis and must say that skimming through the posted hands alone really improved my game and approach towards playing poker. I come from Poland, [although I'm living in the UK at the moment] and back there poker is generally thought of as a game for gamblers exclusively, who are or will soon be broke; a game in which winning relies on your luck only [I remember when I first decided to share my fascination about poker with my family.. I really regretted that, all I got in response was something along the lines of 'OMG you're gonna get addicted, poker will make your life hell.. - but why? did you ever play this game? are you telling me this from your own experience or what? -..well not exactly..but that's what the TV, the government, the society tells you! [that's one of the reasons I left the country.and my home. but that's a horse of a different colour, heh], anyway LP changed or even shaped my view of this game as a game that requires certain amount of skills. not only mathematical, psychological, but also pure gaming skills [which I still has to acquire :-)]

So I've been playing for some time now on PS, posted some hands [appreciated the feedback, really], and I got a bankroll of $100 [at first had like 25$, sent by a friend just to try out], and I don't really know what to play - which stakes, how many tables, I just don't want to lose all that bankroll within a couple of days. Since this community is made of some really, really great, experienced players, I hope someone will help me out with this and post some guidelines..

I am certainly not an experienced player, though I visit both LP and pokerstrategy regularly.. I think if someone will say something, anything as to how to manage bankroll, which stakes to play, or give any advice at all, I will feel more confident and will play this game more eagerly [although I already fcking love it, lol]

TL;DR -> I have $100 on my PS account and dont wanna lose it, rather- wanna multiply it [safely].

Cheers for your comments, have a wonderful day!

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